Friday, April 30, 2010

Just Like Mario and Luigi

Lansing Michigan Plumber

I know, I know... it's perhaps not the most glamorous display of internet marketing prowess but I think this project will be interesting. I've been following Mike Koenigs and his Main Street Marketing Videos. I thought it was a good idea so I decided to try my hand at it without buying the $3000 course (or however much it is).

I had been working with a plumber in the past when I used to work for an online advertising company so I figured I would use the industry as my test case. My home town of Lansing, MI should be big enough to pull it off... though I'm not entirely sure what "it" is yet.

Mike was saying that his students could charge per lead, or lease out the site, or half a dozen other things. I think the goal for me is to get a client that I understands the value of what I can do and is willing to pay a fair price for it. Internet marketing is tough stuff, at least tougher than I had originally thought... Of course if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Thank God for the tough things!

- MarketerMatt

"Watch me fly, freedom like wings and I will use them
Freedom like wings and I will spread them wide."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Convincing a Friend

I'm hoping to hear back from a friend of mine about going into a great new niche that he found. My friend thought up a pretty neat business idea about the middle of last year and has been working diligently on getting a company off the ground to compete in the niche. However, the business is taking a little bit longer than he had anticipated (which businesses often do).

My advice to him is to help me market to the niche anyway. I'm thinking that we can probably net a few hundred if not a few thousand dollars from this niche by taking over the SERPs (search engine results pages) for a ton of low competition keywords. We could then sell banner ads or traffic to our competitors for a great price!

We would also be able to build an e-mail list of interested consumers that we could market to whenever his business does finally get up and running. I'm not quite sure what's holding him back... I guess we'll just have to wait and see if he changes his mind. I think he's leaving money on the table...

So in the meantime, I begin today to work on marketing my first e-commerce site. I can't wait to get started! I'm going to managing the entire site as well from the products to the site to the marketing, I'll be doing it all. This will be a great learning experience as well as putting some solid coin in my pocket.

And of course, I'll still be working on getting my online marketing agency up and running as well. Starting next week, I'll be marketing it hard core with a goal to hit the number one spot within a week or two - sounds crazy I know but I'm convinced that I've cracked the code. Just a few clients and I'll be able to do internet marketing full time!

Cheers to that!
- MarketerMatt

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Around the Office

Online Marketing Agency

This is what I will be calling my company. It sounds so much nicer than "internet marketing firm" or something else stiff. Right now we, and by "we" I mean "I", am in the process of building a partnership with the graphic design and web development company "Room For Thought." Personally, I'm pretty excited about it! My contacts, Eric and Chris, know there stuff and are already putting together the logo. Come summertime they will be giving the site a face lift. Write now, though, is the waiting process.

Additionally, Room For Thought will be doing any and all web design for Scepter clients who need websites in order to get started with the marketing process. This will be a huge convenience since I have already run into numerous would-be-clients who aren't satisfied with their website and need to have it redone.

In other news...

Things around "The Agency" aka my bedroom, were pretty quiet today despite getting a new client yesterday. This site is going to be an e-commerce site which is a bit different than the marketing that I am used to doing. I've taken this project on personally to work on improving my internet marketing skills, as well as to create a system by which to market online stores like this one.

Eventually, I will be adding internet consulting services, packages tailored for e-commerce, and a package or two customized for the restaurant industry specifically. I'm excited about the possibilities that are coming over the horizon with this company! Also, in the future, I'd like to see Scepter Marketing be able to take on huge projects like I will be doing for my friend's start-up company here in a few months.

Right now, it's all about getting the systems down! Once we have those down and business starts coming in I can bring on more people to help with all of the tasks as I have them broken down. When we can scale, it will be beautiful!

Thanks for reading,
- MarketerMatt

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Local Online Marketing Services

Local Internet Marketing Services

Above is the link to my company's website. We specialize in local internet marketing services for local businesses. I am currently in the process of building all of the various packages.

I've decided to take the approach of creating a different set of packages for a small variety of industries since it's impossible to create a one-size-fits-all method for all the various types of small businesses out there.

Some of them only really need SEO, some of them need only E-mail Marketing and a little PPC, others need more Social Media so I'm working on breaking it down.

Overall, I'm pretty excited about the progress. For sure, it should all be done by the end of the month if not the end of next week. I've stuck gold with a few guys that do web design and development too and I know they'll add a lot to the company.

Stay tuned for more updates - especially because I'm considering releasing my different packages in Jeff Walker style... but we'll see.

To Your Continued Success,
- Marketer Matt

Introduction of Marketer Matt

This is the blog of "Marketer Matt"

I have been studying internet marketer for about 7 months now and as a result, I am becoming involved in more and more internet marketing projects of which I will use this blog to promote and to market.

I love the industry and I'm excited to be right here in America in 2010 in this industry - the industry which I think has more potential than any other to make an impact on the world.

And with that... I am Marketer Matt, thanks for stopping by!

To your continued success,
- Marketer Matt
Follow me on Twitter @MarketerMatt