Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Convincing a Friend

I'm hoping to hear back from a friend of mine about going into a great new niche that he found. My friend thought up a pretty neat business idea about the middle of last year and has been working diligently on getting a company off the ground to compete in the niche. However, the business is taking a little bit longer than he had anticipated (which businesses often do).

My advice to him is to help me market to the niche anyway. I'm thinking that we can probably net a few hundred if not a few thousand dollars from this niche by taking over the SERPs (search engine results pages) for a ton of low competition keywords. We could then sell banner ads or traffic to our competitors for a great price!

We would also be able to build an e-mail list of interested consumers that we could market to whenever his business does finally get up and running. I'm not quite sure what's holding him back... I guess we'll just have to wait and see if he changes his mind. I think he's leaving money on the table...

So in the meantime, I begin today to work on marketing my first e-commerce site. I can't wait to get started! I'm going to managing the entire site as well from the products to the site to the marketing, I'll be doing it all. This will be a great learning experience as well as putting some solid coin in my pocket.

And of course, I'll still be working on getting my online marketing agency up and running as well. Starting next week, I'll be marketing it hard core with a goal to hit the number one spot within a week or two - sounds crazy I know but I'm convinced that I've cracked the code. Just a few clients and I'll be able to do internet marketing full time!

Cheers to that!
- MarketerMatt

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