Friday, April 30, 2010

Just Like Mario and Luigi

Lansing Michigan Plumber

I know, I know... it's perhaps not the most glamorous display of internet marketing prowess but I think this project will be interesting. I've been following Mike Koenigs and his Main Street Marketing Videos. I thought it was a good idea so I decided to try my hand at it without buying the $3000 course (or however much it is).

I had been working with a plumber in the past when I used to work for an online advertising company so I figured I would use the industry as my test case. My home town of Lansing, MI should be big enough to pull it off... though I'm not entirely sure what "it" is yet.

Mike was saying that his students could charge per lead, or lease out the site, or half a dozen other things. I think the goal for me is to get a client that I understands the value of what I can do and is willing to pay a fair price for it. Internet marketing is tough stuff, at least tougher than I had originally thought... Of course if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Thank God for the tough things!

- MarketerMatt

"Watch me fly, freedom like wings and I will use them
Freedom like wings and I will spread them wide."

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